Eu vou esperar a lua voltar


C: Eu vou esperar a lua voltar                                       Ich warte bis der Mond da ist

Eu quero entrar na matar é                                     Ich möchte in den Wald gehen

Eu vou tirar madeira boa                                        Ich werde ein gutes Holz schlagen

Pro meu Berimbau fazer                                           Welches mein Berimbau machen wird

Eu vou *


S: Madeira boa é como amizade                                     Gutes Holz ist wie Freundschaft

É dificil de encontrar                                                 Es ist schwierig zu finden

A amizade eu guardo no peito                                Die Freundschaft behalte ich in der Brust

e a madeira eu faco meu berimbau                           und das Holz macht meine Berimbau


Se Mestre Bimba estivesse aqui                                  Als Mestre Bimba hier war

Pra me ensinar a escolher madeira                             Mir beibrachte Holz aus zusuchen

Eu entrava agora na mata                                          Betrat ich jetzt den Wald

Tira ca Ipê e Pau Pereira                                            Schlage hier Ipe und Pau Peira


A noite vem eu entro na mata                                    The night it comes I enter in the forest

Lua clareia, vou procurar                                            Moon brightens up, I am going to look

Jequitibá e Macaranduba                                            Jequitibá and Macaranduba

O guatambu eu devo achar                                      The guatambu I must find

N a velha África se usava o Ungo                               N old Africa was in use the Ungo

Nas grandes festas religiosas                                       In the great religious parties

O Kingenge é um dialeto Umbundo                            The Kingenge is a dialect Umbundo

È o Berimbau que conquistou o muno              È the Berimbau that it conquered is provided by me


Na lua cheia vou colher os frutos                        On the full moon I am going to gather the results

E na minguante eu trio a Medeira                        And in wane I try to Medeira

Vou pra fazer o meu berimbau                             to do my berimbau   

Vou pra tocar na capoeira                                  I go to touch the capoeira



International Ruhr Run Club


Ruhr Run Club Essen

No course in this term.


Ruhr Run Club Duisburg

2:30 PM to 3:30 PM
Click here to register!


 The run club is cost-free for students!


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